to german version >>>Welcome to Plasma Palace!
As the overarching theme of this website, it is about the evolution of consciousness, unwrapping piece by piece (or in quantum leaps) what has always been there - as perception, as knowledge or memory. An essential part of this is to become aware of one's own creative power.
Theoretically you may realize that you are 100% responsible for your reality, but what if you have personal experiences of how you actually shape reality, create matter or use time to shape it?
Greetings Virko
My latest interview on plasma and telepathy (german only):

More about the special music MaGrav:

"Plasma-Tube-Station" see more in our shop:
New form of Plasma-Pen! Glasballs filled with Plasma-Essences on the tip! Very smooth but jet powerfull transformation! And also: Plasma-Essences!